Tuesday, October 14, 2008

RIP, Old Friend

I like things a certain way. Have I mentioned that? Get used to it. I'm not big on change unless I initiate it. I love to mix things up when I feel like it, but if somebody else puts it on me, I resist.

I got a new check card in the mail last week. My current one expires next month. I love my current card. It is the first card I got on my first bank account of my very own. I've had it for years and years. It is all worn in (almost to the point of being un-swipable). Most importantly, I have the number down pat. I could rattle that off better than my ABC's. My fingers typed it automatically with each online purchase.

When I got the envelope from the bank and could feel a hard spot, I knew it was a new card. Blegh. It's all slick and shiny. It has no character. It doesn't fit into my vintage sense of style. And it has a stupid new number to memorize. Why can't the number stay the same? As soon as I got it, I tucked it in my wallet behind the old and haven't thought much of it since. Well, the bank just called and said I need to activate it to avoid service interruption. So I say "Goodbye old card. You served me well. Thank you for all of the hours of mindless shopping you facilitated."

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