Friday, May 22, 2009


I have been just awful at posting on this blog lately, but life has been truly crazy! Between spending as much time with Johnathan as possible now that he is home, outings with my Little Sister, my new job - which has me much busier during the day - all of the daily sturm and drang of life and my new business venture, I rarely even have time to think about this blog, much less write a post proof-read it 5 times, post it, proof read it a couple more times, edit it because I'm just not satisfied, repost it and then sit and think about it it for another half hour...yes that is usually my process when I blog.

But what I want to talk about today is the new business venture mentioned above. Whatever loyal readers I have may remember my post back in December about doing a photo shoot for a coworker. Well, things have really been progressing since then and I am now officially Constance Elyse Photography! You can also check out my Facebook Fan Page here. I have not yet decided if I want to start including personal blogs over there or keep things separate and try to be more active over here.

For now, here is a picture of Alivia in the bluebonnets. They are moving back to Texas in July and I absolutely cannot wait to have them close again!

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