Friday, October 10, 2008

I Dream of Jeannie

The good news is Johnathan has officially finished his coursework toward his Master's in Biblical Studies. Of course, that means that he is now working on his thesis - no small task. The subject of this paper (that word doesn't seem to have enough gravitas, considering the whole degree relies on it) is pretribulational, dispensational premillennialism eschatology....yeah, already pretty much over my head. Basically, as I understand it (though I may be corrected on this), that means he'll be discussing/defending the view that Israel and the Church are distinct entities and that Jesus will return before a seven year tribulation, followed by an additional return of Christ with his saints to reign on earth.

I actually really enjoy the fact that Johnathan is pursuing post-graduate degrees in Biblical studies, because I become so much better educated about my own beliefs through discussing his studies with him. My only question is, once his thesis is approved and he has actually graduated, do I have to call him "Master?"

1 comment:

Jannie Funster said...

Those are pretty big words.

have fun blogging! I am enjoying it a lot.

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