Monday, November 24, 2008


This is my paternal grandmother:

Her name is Margaret; I call her Grandma.

This is my paternal grandfather:

His name is Bill; I call him Bampa.

Yesterday was their 70th wedding anniversary. We had a party on Saturday to celebrate. Their three children, three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren were all there, along with one of Grandma's brothers and plenty of in-laws. The suit Bampa is wearing is the same one he wore on their wedding day. I'm so blessed to still have these two in my life. Their lasting love is an example that I pray to live up to in my own relationship with Johnathan. Maybe around 2080 or so, we'll be celebrating the same thing.

Here are a few more pictures from the festivities:

Grandma and Bampa reading a card from Johnathan and me.

Alivia showing off her pretty dress by rolling around on the floor in it.

My second cousin, Lindsey.

My Aunt Linda.

Alivia showing Great-Grandma her See 'n Say.

Telling Bampa a story.

My great-uncle, Jack and Uncle Ed.

Aunt Linda and great-aunt, Joyce.

Anniversary cards and flowers.

1 comment:

hart2hart said...

How wonderful!! All I could wish for is a relationship like that!

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