Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Best Day Ever!

Yesterday was an awesome day! The best part being that we found out Johnathan is coming home! We have been enduring a long distance relationship for the past two years. Well, things have finally lined up the right way for him to move back home! I could not be happier. And he'll even be home pretty soon. Just two weeks and two days.

We've been praying for this for so long and it really doesn't seem real. The past two years have put a huge strain on our relationship and we have, at times, been within an inch of the breaking point. But God never let us forsake each other or His plan for us and it has made us such a happier, healthier couple for struggling through it. We'll appreciate every day - every moment - we get to spend together all the more, because there was a time when we just didn't have the option. We both know that there will be plenty of hard times ahead, as every relationship and every life involves struggle. But, He got us through this together and we both know that He'll do it every time.

I also got to meet my new 'Little Sister' yesterday. I can't talk too much about that (to protect her privacy), but she is a sweet, adorable little girl and I had an awesome time playing with her at a playground near her house. Next week we're going to go to the public library, where she has never been before, and hopefully get her her own library card.

Today I truly feel like I have all that I could wish!

1 comment:

Joy said...

I'm so happy for you!

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